The mustard seed was about the smallest seed known to the world in the days of Jesus. Yet when Jesus wanted to talk about the Kingdom of Heaven he used the seed as a main metaphor to describe its nature and method of advancement. Me? I would have used something larger and more majestic. Shane Claiborne notes that Jesus did not compare the kingdom to the "cedars of Lebanon". I would have. Is not size the goal of the kingdom? Isn't bigger always better? Churches like mine seem to be built on those premises. If we are big then we are certainly in God's will. If we are big enough won't we be more attractive to the world? Apparently not, according to Jesus. The mustard seed is small and it spreads almost randomly, but the remarkable thing is that it is impossible to kill once it gets going --- like kudzu in Florida, notes Ray Vanderlaan. What might this mean for my church? Perhaps we could worry less about how big a splash we can make or how many we can assemble in the building and worry more about spreading acts of Christlike love in a random pattern-such as taking Christ everywhere we go!
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